The Ministry of Human Resources is encouraging more employers to participate in health and safety programmes following the COVID-19 pandemic and the increasing trend of non-communicable diseases (NCD).

Minister Datuk Seri M Saravanan said it was found that only 96 employers participated in the Workplace Health Promotion Seminar (WHP) programme since its introduction in 2017.

"In terms of the participation, I am not satisfied that only 96 companies have adopted this programme. Therefore, we want to create awareness among more employers and in my opinion, participation will increase due to COVID-19," he told a press conference after opening the WHP 2020 here today.

Saravanan said the Social Security Organisation (Socso) had found that the number of invalidity pension and survivors’ pension cases due to NCD had increased by more than 100 per cent within 10 years since 2010.

“In nine years from 2010, the number has increased significantly from 10,419 to 22,591 in 2019," he said, adding that 7,236 deaths due to NCD were reported, an average of 20 deaths per day.

The ministry does not compromise in terms of the health and safety of employees which is very important and we hope employers follow the existing programme for the welfare of employees, he added.