The Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission (EAIC) has started its investigation into the claim of rape committed on a Thai woman detainee at the Machap Umboo Detention Depot in Melaka.

Its chairman, Datuk Yaacob Md Sam said the EAIC viewed seriously the allegation made by the complainant and would investigate it transparently, without prejudice and impartially.

He said the investigation was to determine whether there was misconduct involving any of the Immigration enforcement officers and non-compliance to the depot's set operating procedure.

"The investigation is also carried out based on the Malaysia Immigration Department circular on the handling and management of detainees at the detention depot involved," he said in a statement, here, today.

Yaacob was responding to local news reports on the claim by a Thai woman that her elder sister was raped by an officer of the state Immigration Department during the recording of statement at the depot, two weeks ago.

Meanwhile, the EAIC has also left it to the Royal Malaysian Police to investigate the rape allegation based on the police report lodged by the complainant.