A despatch rider who was remanded for four days to facilitate investigations into 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) has been released by the Magistrate's Court.

Magistrate Nik Isfahanie Tasnim Wan Ab Rahim ordered the release of the man aged 27 on a Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) bail of RM50,000 with RM10,000 deposited in cash and RM40,000 on oral undertaking with two sureties.

The man who was unrepresented, was detained at his house in Bentong, Pahang at 6 pm on Sunday, under Section 16(a) of the MACC Act 2009.

Five other individuals who were earlier detained by the MACC have also been released on bail.

On Friday, a 39-year-old construction company director who was the first to be detained in connection with the case, was released on MACC bail of RM100,000 with RM20,000 deposited in cash and RM80,000 on oral undertaking with two sureties.

On Saturday, a company managing director aged 54 with the title of 'Datuk', was released on MACC bail of RM100,000 with RM20,000 deposited in cash and RM80,000 on oral undertaking with two sureties.

On Monday, a 28-year-old sole proprietor of a trading company was released on RM50,000 bail with RM10,000 deposited in cash and RM40,000 on oral undertaking with two sureties.

Yesterday, a company managing director with the title of 'Datuk' was released on MACC bail of RM100,000 with RM20,000 deposited in cash and RM80,000 on oral undertaking with two sureties.