The Malaysia Competition Commission’s (MyCC) Research Grant Programme (RGP) is open for applications beginning this Thursday until Apr 30, 2014.

An important function of the MyCC is to carry out studies on competition issues in the Malaysian economy.

“The RGP was established beginning 2013 in order to support this function and the RGP-funded research studies are expected to provide a clearer picture of the competitiveness of enterprises in the Malaysian economy,” said MyCC chief executive officer, Shila Dorai Raj, in a press statement, Thursday.

MyCC said each research grant will not exceed RM25,000 and is open to all Malaysians including freelance researchers. However the MyCC may, on a case-to-case basis depending on the proposed research, grant more than the stipulated amount.

The MyCC will fund research on any of the Strategic Research Areas identified by the MyCC , which typically focus on the priority sectors and stakeholders that fall within the MyCC Strategy Plan 2012-2014.

MyCC said preference will be given to evidence based research studies, surveys and case studies with findings that may be published in academic journals or publications for popular consumption.

"Research outcomes must lead to recommendations for policies, laws, guidelines, codes of practice, strategies or competition advocacy activities that will spread awareness of competition issues and promote competition culture in the country," MyCC said in the press statement.

The MyCC RGP was first launched in 2013 and seven successful applicants were awarded a total of close to RM175,000.000.

Further information on the RGP can be obtained from the MyCC website at or email