The National Civics Bureau (BTN) rebranding committee would review and fine-tune the BTN syllabus as well as improve its perception specifically among adolescents.

Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said to achieve the task, the committee would be divided into two subcommittees.

"One will study and refine the BTN syllabus particularly the existing modules to meet current needs besides looking at whether there is a need to introduce a new syllabus such as nationhood and so on.

"This subcommittee would comprise academicians," she said in a statement today.

She said the second subcommittee would look at managing the perception specifically of adolescents of the BTN and the response of the youth to nationhood from the context of their task and responsibility.

In this regard, the views and voice of the youth would be taken into account, she said.

Azalina disclosed that a Round Table meeting was held earlier to look at changes in the BTN's approach in enhancing national patriotism.

She said a second round table meeting in the form of a workshop would be held next month.

According to her, members of the panel are not directly involved in the aspect of policy and administration of BTN.

"Their recommendations would be submitted to the Cabinet for approval," she said.