The people should not use the excuse of lack of funds to prevent their children from getting an education, said Eco World Foundation chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye.

This was because the foundation which was set up in May 2014 had spent RM5 million a year to assist students from poor families, he said.

He said the foundation had forged cooperation with the Education Ministry to identify students who were eligible and excellent in their studies and would continue to assist them up to the level of higher education.

"Education is a most important tool for children in the world, and it is the only investment that can truly change their fate," he told reporters after attending an Excellent Award Ceremony for Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) and Pentaksiran Tingkatan Tiga (PT3) 2016 Yayasan Eco World, here last night.

"We set up the foundation in May 2014, and to date we have assisted more than 3,000 students from poor families," Lee said.

So far, 13 students assisted by Eco World had completed their studies at institutions of higher learning while 31 students were still pursuing studies at tertiary institutions, he said.