Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said his in-law Datuk Seri Chairul Anhar also played an important role in helping to free the two fishermen from Sekinchan who were detained in Indonesia, yesterday.

Ahmad Zahid said he had asked Chairul to meet with the president, vice president, the ministers concerned, as well as the chief judge in Indonesia, to ensure the release of Chua Lee Teck and Heng Chee Yong.

"I would like to mention that the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim, Sungai Besar UMNO division chief Datuk Jamal Yunus and Selangor Barisan Nasional (BN) chairman Tan Sri Noh Omar were the four key persons behind the task to free Chua and Heng Chee Yong.

"But there is one more person whom I must mention today, so with great pleasure I would like to state that my in-law Bapak Chairul Anhar had helped us as well," he said during the ceremony to hand over the letters of approval for hiring foreign workers for class B boat fishermen in Sekinchan, here, today.

Chairul, a businessman from Indonesia, is the president of the Indonesia Diaspora Network Chapter Malaysia. His daughter married Ahmad Zahid's son, in September last year.

Yesterday, Chua, 45 and Heng, 29, who were detained by Indonesian authorities for allegedly encroaching the waters of that country, have safely returned to their families here.

Both the fishermen from Bagan Sekinchan here, were detained in Tanjung Pinang, Indonesia since March 4, before being released as Indonesian President Joko Widodo had signed their pardons.

Ahmad Zahid said the release of the two fishermen was his promise to voters in Sekinchan, and he had fulfilled it.

In addition, he said the government had also agreed to provide letters of approval for the employment of foreign workers aboard class B boats, which was also one of its commitments to help fishermen here.

"So tomorrow on June 18 (polling day in Sungai Besar) close your ears, open your eyes, do not listen to anything else, choose BN," he said.

At the event, 28 fishermen received letters of approval for the recruitment of foreign workers.

Ahmad Zahid, who is also Home Minister, also handed out citizenship certificates to four individuals.