"There is no need to leave Malaysia, it is a stupid talk. More power to Sarawak, yes; but secession - no," said Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Adenan Satem.

Adenan said he would continue to negotiate with the federal government to intensify development in Sarawak, but he needed the support of all the people of Sarawak so that he could negotiate with 'a stronger voice.

He said Malaysia could be considered as a big 'umbrella' that always provided protection, security and prosperity for all states before, now, and in the future.

"So if you all have the spirit of love for the country, prove it by flying the Jalur Gemilang (national flag) all over the place in conjunction with the month of independence celebrations," he said in his speech during the launching the month-long National Day celebrations and flying the Jalur Gemilang (national flag) campaign at Padang Merdeka, Monday.

The event was graced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

About 10,000 visitors had thronged the Padang Merdeka for the event since today afternoon. They were later entertained to performances by some of the country's leading musicians, including number one singer, Datuk Siti Nurhaliza Tarudin.