US President Barack Obama has responded positively to calls made by Indonesia and Malaysia, in trying to stop the current violence in Gaza.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said, Obama informed him yesterday that he (Obama) had made several telephone calls to stop the violence, after the two countries raised the issue at the Asean-United States Leaders' Meeting here Monday night.

"During the meeting, I requested Obama to act in ending the current violence in Gaza and find short-term and medium-term solutions based on the two-state solution (as proposed by the United Nations) as the basis for the conflict resolution," he told the Malaysian media here.

The leaders met again this morning during the Trans-Pacific Partnership Leaders' Meeting here.

"Obama informed me that he has acted by making several telephone calls last night (Monday)," said Najib.

"Obama said he would try. He wants the current violence to stop, and he knows that finding comprehensive and final solution is going to be a huge undertaking.

"We know the challenges and complexity of the issue. I think there is a desire on his part to find final solution to this issue," Najib added.

Israel has launched its latest aggression operation called, 'Pillar of Defence', in Gaza since Nov 14, resulting in the loss of over 100 lives, according to regional news reports, and several hundreds injured.

Malaysia has condemned the attack and the Malaysian Government, had yesterday, tabled an emergency motion on the matter in Parliament.

Najib said Malaysia had urged the United States to find the right time to resuscitate the negotiation based on a two-state solution.

On the Asean-United States Leaders' Meeting, Najib said the meeting, among others, welcomed the recommendation by the Asean-US Eminent Persons Group for the institutionalisation of the meeting to become Asean-US Summit.

"The meeting acknowleged the United States' intention of enhancing the US-Asean relationship to strategic partnership," he said, adding that Obama wanted the economic engagement between Asean and US to be further upgraded.

Najib said he also raised the Global Movement of Moderation's concept propagated by Malaysia during the meeting, and Obama responded that he was interested in the concept.

Obama was confident the concept would enable each individual get the opportunity to solve conflicts and help in promoting peace and conflict resolution, he added.

Najib said Malaysia supported the proposal on elevating the Asean-US relationship to a strategic partnership.

"In view of the importance of this region as an economic global force, the enhancement of the Asean-US relations to a strategic partnership level will further increase international confidence in our region,"
he said.

The meeting also saw the US' commitment to work with Asean on managing and addressing common challenges such as human trafficking, piracy and disaster relief, at both multilateral and bilateral cooperation.

Malaysia, Najib said, reaffirmed its commitment in maritime security for example, in the Straits of Malacca.

"Our support is vital to ensure safe international passage. We are willing to work hand-in-hand with other countries to fight piracy and terrorism to ensure peace and stability in the region," he told the meeting.

He said Malaysia also appreciated the US contribution under the Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Programme by sending 50 English teachers to Malaysia in its first phase, and another 75 in the second
phase later.

Najib has also extended an invitation to the re-elected American president to visit Malaysia.