The Education Ministry hopes the government will prioritise allocation for Technical and Vocational Training (TVET) under the 2016 Budget to be tabled soon.

Education Minister Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid said the ministry was now upgrading vocational colleges, and as such, hoped the government would focus on equipment and machines for TVET in the 2016 Budget.

He said the ministry hoped allocations for school security encompassing maintenance and rewiring would also be given attention, since there have been many cases of fire in schools due to old equipment.

"Schools nationwide should be given priority for maintenance and upgrading exercises as it involves the safety of students," he told reporters after the Excellent Day for Sekolah Kebangsaan Pedu here, Sunday.

He hoped allocations for training would also be given especially for short term courses such as management and leadership training among headmasters, principals and education officers.