Several shops, including a supermarket and a pharmacy, in Kota Bharu were looted during the floods a few days ago when essentials like food were in demand.

According to Pasaraya Ceria manager, Ti Boon Mai, his premise, located in Wakaf Che Yeh, was broken into last Saturday and essential daily items were stolen.

“Missing were food items like Milo, milk and baby diapers. It was obvious that people broke in through the front and back entrance because the doors were broken,” said Ti.

Ti still doesn’t know the exact value of all the stolen items but estimates it to be in access of about RM80,000.

The owner of a nearby pharmacy, Sofian Mohamed, believed that his store was broken into when the flood levels prevented vehicles from entering Wakaf Che Yeh.

Almost everything in his store was stolen, including electrical items.

“Almost 90 per cent of food stuff and electrical items worth RM90,000 are missing,” he said.

Aside from stores being looted, vehicle thefts also occurred during the floods. People in the area explained that there were several reports of locals having their cars stolen.

The flood in Kota Bharu started receding today with almost all roads in the town now being accessible.

However, mud and rubbish can be seen strewn all over the town, including scenes of properties destroyed by the flood waters.

The Kelantan state government has announced that they will form a post-flood task force committee that will be chaired by Menteri Besar, Datuk Ahmad Yakob.

The committee will be responsible for registering victims and evaluating the damages caused by the floods.

The state government has also launched a flood disaster fund.