It has been a routine for Tengku Puan Pahang Tunku Azizah Aminah Maimunah Sultan Iskandar to prepare lunch for flood victims sheltered at relief centres.

Today, Tunku Azizah together with her two daughters, Tengku Puteri Afzan Aminah Hafidzatullah dan Tengku Puteri Jihan Azizah 'Athiyatullah, whipped up several dishes for flood victims at the Paloh Hinai National Youth Skills Institute, here.

The royal family prepared a delicious menu of chicken in gravy, pickled cucumber, fried cabbage and salted fish with potatoes for 1,305 flood victims at the centre.

When met by reporters, she said she had always been involved in cooking for flood victims each time the floods occurred in Pahang.

"Today is very special for the flood victims here as they get to savour my culinary delight.

"This is the only way my family and I can contribute to the victims. Last year I was able to cook at several centres, but this year only a limited number of places due to health reasons," she said.

When cooking was completed Tunku Azizah and her children personally dished out the food to the eagerly waiting crowd.

In a related development, she advised raw food suppliers to relief centres to ensure that the food delivered were fresh to avoid cases of food poisoning.

"Cooks at relief centres must always maintain good hygiene and food cleanliness to prevent contamination which may be hazardous to the flood victims," she said.