Low Yat handphone thief: High Court upholds conviction, sentence
The High Court here today dismissed the appeal by an unemployed youth to set aside his conviction and sentence of four months imprisonment and RM1,000 fine for stealing a mobile phone.
Wed Apr 05 2017

Curi telefon bimbit di Plaza Low Yat: Penganggur dipenjara empat bulan dan denda
Shahrul Anuar Abdul Aziz, 23, dijatuhkan hukuman itu oleh hakim selepas mendapati pihak pembelaan gagal menimbulkan keraguan munasabah di akhir kes pembelaan.
Tue May 24 2016

Mahkamah: Tertuduh curi telefon bimbit di Plaza Low Yat didakwa lagi
Lelaki yang didakwa mencuri telefon bimbit di Plaza Low Yat tahun lepas, sekali lagi didakwa di Mahkamah Majistret atas pertuduhan mencederakan seorang mekanik.
Wed Feb 24 2016

Tertuduh kes curi telefon bimbit didenda RM2,000 guna dadah
Shahrul Anuar Abdul Aziz didakwa melakukan kesalahan memasukkan dadah jenis Methamphetamine ke dalam badan di tandas di IPD Dang Wangi pada 12 Julai tahun lalu.
Sat Feb 13 2016

Accused in Low Yat theft fined RM2,000 for taking drugs
Apart from the RM2,000 fine Shahrul Anuar Abdul Aziz, was also ordered to serve a month's jail if he failed to pay the fine and undergo two years of police supervision.
Fri Feb 12 2016

Low Yat telephone theft: Witness saw accused fled with phone
In the first day trial of the Low Yat telephone theft, an employee said he had turned his back to get a free gift for a customer when the later fled with a Lenovo handphone.
Mon Nov 30 2015

Insiden Low Yat: Peguam tertuduh kemuka surat representasi ke Jabatan Peguam Negara
Penganggur yang didakwa atas pertuduhan mencuri sebuah telefon bimbit di Plaza Low Yat, akan mengemukakan surat representasi ke Jabatan Peguam Negara bagi mengkaji semula pertuduhan terhadapnya.
Fri Aug 14 2015

Low Yat incident: Youth charged with stealing handphone to send representation to AG
Shahrul Anuar Abdul Aziz will send a letter of representation to the A-G's chambers to review the charge against him.
Fri Aug 14 2015

Insiden Low Yat: Tertuduh mengaku tidak bersalah atas tuduhan mencuri
Tertuduh Shahrul Anuar Abdul Aziz diiringi pegawai polis di Kompleks Mahkamah Jalan Duta pada 14 Julai 2015.
Wed Jul 15 2015

Low Yat riot suspect charged
The accused, Shahrul Anuar Abdul Aziz, being escorted by police at KL Court Complex in Jalan Duta on July 14, 2015.
Tue Jul 14 2015

Accused's lawyer doubtful of IGP's statement
Azam Aziz says Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar's statement contradicts with the chronology of events that unfolded during the incident.
Tue Jul 14 2015

Penganggur mengaku tidak bersalah tuduhan curi telefon bimbit di Plaza Low Yat
Tertuduh, Shahrul Anuar Abdul Aziz berusia 22 tahun yang juga merupakan seorang penganggur turut dibenar diikat jamin berjumlah RM3,000 dengan seorang penjamin oleh Majistret.
Tue Jul 14 2015

Low Yat brawl: Suspect claims trial, pleads not guilty
22-year-old Shahrul Anuar Abdul Aziz, pleaded not guilty to stealing a smartphone. The alleged theft sparked recent mob violence at Low Yat plaza.
Tue Jul 14 2015