Nizam Bashir

Dapatkan berita terkini mengenai nizam-bashir dari Astro Awani

PRN Johor: Hanya Pejuang mampu bawa perubahan di DUN Rengit - Nizam Bashir

PRN Johor: Hanya Pejuang mampu bawa perubahan di DUN Rengit - Nizam Bashir

DUN Rengit akan menyaksikan saingan empat penjuru dalam PRN Johor pada 12 Mac ini.
Tue Mar 01 2022
Mahkamah Rayuan tolak permohonan JPN tangguh pelaksanaan keputusan

Mahkamah Rayuan tolak permohonan JPN tangguh pelaksanaan keputusan

Panel tiga hakim yang diketuai Hakim Datuk Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat sebulat suara menolak permohonan itu atas alasan tidak terdapat keadaan khusus untuk membenarkan penangguhan itu.
Thu Aug 03 2017
Perkasa applies to be amicus curiae in suit over RUU 355

Perkasa applies to be amicus curiae in suit over RUU 355

The court set May 23 to hear the application.
Wed Apr 19 2017
Undang-undang Syariah: Perspektif golongan moderat penting

Undang-undang Syariah: Perspektif golongan moderat penting

Perspektif golongan moderat penting sebelum undang-undang Islam digubal, agar ia bukan sahaja mendapatkan pandangan yang berbeza tetapi menyeluruh.
Tue Dec 09 2014
Undang-undang perlindungan kanak-kanak perlu utamakan kebajikan mereka

Undang-undang perlindungan kanak-kanak perlu utamakan kebajikan mereka

Peguam Nizam Bashir berkata Akta Kanak-Kanak Malaysia perlu memberi fokus kepada golongan ini dan adanya pihak ketiga dapat membantu.
Thu Jun 05 2014
Child protection laws could be more child-centric

Child protection laws could be more child-centric

Human rights lawyer, Nizam Bashir, says that Malaysia's Child Act could be more child-centric and appointing third-party observers can help.
Wed Jun 04 2014
MH370: France opens judicial enquiry for manslaughter - Embassy

MH370: France opens judicial enquiry for manslaughter - Embassy

French prosecutors have opened a preliminary judicial investigation for manslaughter following the disappearance of flight MH370 with four French nationals on board.
Wed Mar 12 2014
Children's rights NGO says community service not the answer

Children's rights NGO says community service not the answer

Director of Voice of the Children, Nizam Bashir, says a community service sentence for parents who cause their children's death is too late.
Wed Mar 05 2014
Compassion, mercy and sincerity - Islam's method of disciplining children

Compassion, mercy and sincerity - Islam's method of disciplining children

Physical punishment as a way of disciplining children should not be the first option. Islamic syariah lawyer, Nizam Bashir, says that Islam stresses on compassion, mercy and sincerity.
Mon Jan 13 2014
Conversion law withdrawal: 'Moral victory, not legal victory'

Conversion law withdrawal: 'Moral victory, not legal victory'

The Cabinet decision to withdrawal of the Administration of the Religion of Islam (Federal Territories) Bill 2013 has today received welcome by several lawyers and activists.
Sat Jul 06 2013
Penarikan rang undang-undang disambut baik

Penarikan rang undang-undang disambut baik

Keputusan kerajaan untuk menarik balik Rang Undang-Undang Pentadbiran Agama Islam (Wilayah-Wilayah Persekutuan) 2013 telah menerima sambutan baik oleh beberapa peguam dan aktivis.
Sat Jul 06 2013