Carian mengenai topik bible

Dapatkan berita terkini mengenai bible dari Astro Awani

Kanye West asks court to legally change his name to Ye

Kanye West asks court to legally change his name to Ye

He has said in interviews that, along with being a shortening of his first name he likes, that its a word used throughout the Bible.
Wed Aug 25 2021
Mufti Selangor sokong Sultan Selangor melarang penggunaan kalimah Allah dalam Bible

Mufti Selangor sokong Sultan Selangor melarang penggunaan kalimah Allah dalam Bible

Mufti Selangor Datuk Mohd Tamyes Abd Wahid berkata, sekiranya terdapat unsur-unsur penghinaan atau penyalahgunaan terhadap kalimah tersebut, maka ia perlu disekat.
Fri Mar 26 2021
Use of 'Allah' in BM bible, Christian publications prohibited in Selangor - Sultan Sharafuddin

Use of 'Allah' in BM bible, Christian publications prohibited in Selangor - Sultan Sharafuddin

The use of the word 'Allah' in the Bahasa Malaysia translation of the Bible or any printed books or writings of the Christian religion in any form remains prohibited in Selangor.
Tue Mar 23 2021
Penggunaan kalimah Allah dalam Bible dilarang di Selangor - Sultan Sharafuddin

Penggunaan kalimah Allah dalam Bible dilarang di Selangor - Sultan Sharafuddin

Penggunaan kalimah Allah dalam Bible (terjemahan Bahasa Melayu) atau percetakan buku dan tulisan agama Kristian dalam apa-apa bentuk sekalipun tetap dilarang sama sekali penggunaannya di Selangor.
Tue Mar 23 2021
Penganut Kristian boleh guna kalimah 'Allah'

Penganut Kristian boleh guna kalimah 'Allah'

Mahkamah Tinggi di sini hari ini memutuskan bahawa penganut agama Kristian di seluruh negara boleh menggunakan kalimah -Allah- dan tiga perkataan Arab yang lain dalam penerbitan agama mereka.
Wed Mar 10 2021
Southampton, Chelsea tak mahu Liverpool menang EPL

Southampton, Chelsea tak mahu Liverpool menang EPL

Tinjauan penyokong 20 kelab EPL mendapati selain The Red Devils & the Citizens, Chelsea dan Southampton juga mahu Manchester City muncul juara musim ini.
Tue Apr 23 2019
Hormati undang-undang Malaysia - Duta Finland

Hormati undang-undang Malaysia - Duta Finland

Beliau berkata, peringatan itu penting kerana ia terdapat dalam seksyen nasihat perjalanan di laman sesawang kedutaan tersebut.
Wed Dec 05 2018
Pihak berkuasa sedang siasat dakwaan edar Bible depan sekolah - TKM P. Pinang

Pihak berkuasa sedang siasat dakwaan edar Bible depan sekolah - TKM P. Pinang

Kerajaan negeri tidak akan bertolak ansur terhadap sebarang usaha untuk menimbulkan kekacauan dalam masyarakat.
Wed Nov 07 2018
Rais Yatim: Unmask the Uncouth Cloaked in Faux Culture

Rais Yatim: Unmask the Uncouth Cloaked in Faux Culture

Former minister Tan Sri Rais Yatim takes to task Malays who hitch a ride on the glorious past of Islamic civilisation but remain culturally deficient.
Wed Feb 28 2018
A Bible and a cell - a new life for Jakarta's Ahok

A Bible and a cell - a new life for Jakarta's Ahok

Jakarta's once hugely popular governor is being held in a simple room at a high-security detention centre, his only comforts a Bible and visitors twice a week.
Thu May 11 2017
Upko will ensure Bible Knowledge stays as elective subject in public exam - Madius

Upko will ensure Bible Knowledge stays as elective subject in public exam - Madius

United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (Upko) is making every effort to ensure Bible Knowledge will stay as an elective subject in public examinations.
Thu Mar 16 2017
Philippines' Pacquiao preaches death penalty

Philippines' Pacquiao preaches death penalty

The eight-division champion and devout evangelical Christian used his first senate speech to argue for capital punishment, calling it lawful and moral "especially in the eyes of God".
Mon Aug 08 2016
Russian man could go to prison for saying God does not exist

Russian man could go to prison for saying God does not exist

A man in the southern Russian city of Stavropol faces potential jail time for writing atheist comments on a website.
Sat Mar 05 2016
World's oldest bible on show as British Museum tracks Egypt's religions

World's oldest bible on show as British Museum tracks Egypt's religions

One of the highlights of the objects is part of the 4th century Codex Sinaiticus, a book written in Greek on animal skin by monks on Mount Sinai.
Fri Oct 30 2015
Suspect caught in US black church 'hate crime' rampage

Suspect caught in US black church 'hate crime' rampage

Police detained 21-year-old Dylann Roof, shown wearing the flags of defunct white supremacist regimes in pictures taken from social media, after nine churchgoers were shot dead during bible study.
Fri Jun 19 2015