Terengganu club side T-Team has signed former Dutch international midfielder George Boateng as one of its foreign players for next season.

Coach Peter Butler was also officially appointed T-Team coach and Sebeastian Knapis as fitness coach today.

Terengganu state secretary Datuk Mazlan Ngah completed the contract signing ceremony at Wisma Darul Iman here today.

Mazlan said the trio signed a one year contract with an option to continue, if required, while the state government was eyeing two other imports to fulfill the foreign players quota allowed by the Football Association of Malaysia (FAM).

“We hope to complete the signing of two more foreign players before the Dec 6 dateline. I’m confident that the T-Team will be a stronger side. Things are shaping up fine,” he said.

Mazlan said Butler would be responsible to assess the foreign imports.