Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek has called for a comprehensive study on the proposal to limit the term for sports association leaders as an approach to ensure the sustainable development of national sports.

Welcoming the suggestion, Ahmad Shabery said the consensus of all parties should also be taken into consideration for the long-term benefit of sports associations nationwide.

"A comprehensive study is needed and the agreement of the parties involved should be taken into account. A plan to rejuvenate the sports associations would not only have a positive impact on the athletes but the future of sports in Malaysia as well," he said last night.

He was asked to comment on the National Sports Council's opinion that it was time to limit the term of every office bearer in national sports associations to eight years, in order to ensure that the development of sports in the country was not stunted.

National Sports Council director-general Datuk Seri Zolkples Embong was quoted as saying the country's football fans were pressing Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) president Sultan Ahmad Shah of Pahang to resign as he has been helming the organisation for the past 28 years.

Ahmad Shabery had earlier attended an 'Astro Fiesta Mesra Belia 1Malaysia' carnival dinner at a seafood restaurant, here.

The three-day carnival, which was jointly organised by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Sabah Youth and Sports Department and Astro, was also attended by Deputy Health Minister and Papar Member of parliament Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin.

Saying the ministry had allocated more than RM4 million to develop various youth programmes in the state last year, Ahmad Shabery added that it proved the government's commitment to acknowledge the role and contribution of Sabah youths.

Meanwhile, Rosnah said the 'Astro Fiesta Mesra Belia 1Malaysia' programme was the best platform to provide youths the opportunity to showcase their talent and potential through sports and leadership activities and strengthen them.