UMNO Youth will intensify efforts to get more than 100,000 members to register as voters before the 14th General Election (GE14).

Its chief, Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar said the initiative has already begun and hoped it would not only get members to register but also involve other young people.

"We want to raise the level of younger generation to support UMNO and BN. We (UMNO Youth) will discuss a number of strategies to increase the number of registered voters consisting of members who have yet to register.

"These youth (who have not not registered) made up of young people who have UMNO members as their relatives," he told reporters after UMNO Youth Retreat Programme which was officiated by Terengganu Menteri Besar Ahmad Razif Abd Rahman at the Kenyir Lake, here Saturday.

Khairy, who is also Youth and Sports Minister, reminded members not to participate in the Bersih 5 rally which is expected to take place at Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur on Nov 19 as such involvement would see disciplinary action taken against them.

Asked how he would react if the youth join Red Shirts group, he said: "If they want to join the Red Shirts it is okay as long as they do not break the law.

"My advice is do not create havoc in Kuala Lumpur like what had happened during the previous Bersih assembly when police officers were injured, shops were smashed. I urged the police not to allow the Bersih rally to go on.

Meanwhile, Khairy also met with nearly 2,000 residents who took part in Bubur Asyura contest involving 100 giant pots of Asyura porridge which were prepared by over 50 groups from various villages in Telemong, Hulu Terengganu as well as government agencies and NGOs. -- Bernama