The decision by Datuk Seri Lajim Ukim to quit as Sabah PKR chairman will not affect the strength of the coalition in the state.

PKR vice-president, Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali said, he will support any quarters who hold similar agenda to Pakatan Harapan in their effort to defeat Barisan Nasional (BN).

“He is challenging BN. So, it is a non-issue. I support anyone who wished to defeat UMNO and BN. So, the commitment by Darrel Leiking, Lajim Ukin, Shafie Apdal and a few others, they form new parties, join new parties with one clear interest, which is to defeat UMNO and BN in Sabah. For that reason, I will give my fullest support,” he told reporters after a visit by Bandung mayor, Mochamad Ridwan Kamil at the Selangor Menteri Besar office here today.

Mohamed Azmin also said that he fully understood the sentiments that are shaped from the political landscape which places emphasis on parochial issues.

“The current political scenario is highly-challenging. The politics in Sabah is dissimilar to other states. Their state pride sentiments are so strong that we need to understand the need of the rakyat in Sabah about the need for a government that truly represent the aspiration of the rakyat,” he said.

Last Sunday, Lajim who is also Klias assemblyman along with several PKR leaders caused a frenzy following their announcement to quit from PKR and DAP effective immediately.

Sabah PKR secretary-general Datuk Maijol Mahap, PKR Sabah Wanita chief, Johair Matlani and PKR Moyog assemblyman, Terence Siambun.

Sabah DAP secretary and Likas assemblyman, Junz Wong has also decided to quit the party.

Their decision to quit party was made after considering the aspirations of the rakyat to have a political party that can to protect their interests.

PKR vice president, Darell Leiking on Sept 22 had resigned to join a party headed by former UMNO vice president, Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal.