Political practice not based on the principles of Islam is meaningless, said PAS President Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.

Hence, he said, any act of practising an ideology other than the Islamic principles will only give a bad impact to the public and the nation.

"Western ideological practices without reference to Islam will give a bad effect on the people and country," he said in his presidential speech at the 62nd PAS Muktamar in Pusat Tarbiah Islam Kelantan (PUTIK) here this morning.

He added that Islam is meant to guide the people on ways to solve the worldly problems.

"Matters related to economy and education also will face problems if not implemented according to the teaching of Islam," said Abdul Hadi.

He said, Islam should be practised as a way of life, not to be treated arbitrarily.

"Islam requires identity leadership politics, capable of solving all problems, be it political crisis, economic and humanitarian matters," he said.