A Cabinet appointment awaits Gerakan President Datuk Mah Siew Keong if he wins the Teluk Intan parliamentary by-election on Saturday.

Prime Minister and Barisan Nasional chairman Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said he was ready to give a commitmment here.

"I can make a commitment here, if Datuk Mah wins the Teluk Intan by-election, then by virtue of being Gerakan president, he will be appointed a member of the Cabinet," Najib told the Malaysian media covering his six-day visit to China here.

The Prime Minister said as one of the founding members of BN, it has been the practice thus far to have the President of Gerakan to be a Cabinet member.

Asked about the ministry that would be offered to Mah, Najib said it was too early to decide on that.
"No...that comes later," he added.

Teluk Intan-born Mah, 53, first contested for the parliamentary seat in the 1999 general election, in which he defeated DAP's N.Rajendran in a straight fight with a 2,783-vote majority.

The former Gerakan Youth chief and Teluk Intan Gerakan chairman then retained the seat in the 2004 general election, but lost during the political tsunami in 2008.

In the 2013 general election, Mah failed in his attempt to win back the seat, and is now facing a straight fight with DAP candidate Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud.

Gerakan last held a Cabinet post through its former president Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon.