Tourism and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz is confident that the attempt to topple Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak through foreign interference will not succeed.

While questioning the attempt led by former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, he said he believed that nothing could be done to the nation by those foreigners, especially to topple the government.

"What can the foreigner do to us...when he (Tun Mahathir) was helming the government, he strongly opposed any sort of foreign interference in matters of the government he led," Mohamed Nazri told reporters in response to Tun Dr Mahathir's statement which called for foreign interference in the domestic affairs of the country in his effort to bring down Najib.

READ: People lose respect for Dr Mahathir for inviting foreign intervention

The minister was met after presenting the excellence service awards to 389 of his ministry's staff, Monday.

He said he believed that the attempt was launched more to fulfill Tun Dr Mahathir's desire for revenge and his malice for Najib, rather than for the interests of the people as he claimed.

In another development, Mohamed Nazri said the move by the Sarawak government to prevent various individuals or political leaders, especially from DAP, from entering the state in view of the upcoming 11th state election, was right in order to maintain harmony among the multi-racial people.

The UMNO Supreme Council member said as a party known for its extreme racist attitude, DAP's presence with its 'political culture' could affect the unity of the people.

"I think what is important is we have to respect the agreement we had with Sarawak and Sabah during the formation of Malaysia in 1963, which gave special privileges to the states.

"Of course there is a reason why these privileges were given. In fact, it is out of respect that I am supporting the state government's move to deny entry to the individuals whom they find to have the potential to jeopardise the racial unity in Sarawak," he said.

The media had previously reported that Kulai Member of Parliament, Teo Nie Ching, who is also the DAP National Publicity assistant secretary, was prevented from entering Sarawak after arriving at the Bintulu Airport at 7.40pm on April 8.

Prior to this, several other political leaders were also prevented from entering Sarawak, including Parti Amanah Negara president Mohamad Sabu and DAP National Publicity Secretary, Tony Pua.