The people in Sabah have been advised to be wary about new parties that only emerge and make empty promises during an election.

Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said leaders of the parties would promise the moon and stars when they meet the people merely to gain their support.

"These new parties including one led by a former federal minister can only give promises which cannot be fulfilled.

"He thinks the people can be fooled. Sabah people are smart and know how to determine what is good and true," he said at a people's programme in Kampung Padas here today.

Musa who is also Sungai Sibuga assemblyman referred to Barisan Nasional (BN)'s good track record in developing the state and looking after the welfare of the local people.

He said the BN led by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had made it a priority to go to the ground and listen to what the people had to confide.

"I myself often go to the ground to meet the people in all the districts in the state to hear their grouses and resolve them in the best manner," he said.

At the function, Musa presented 150 school bags to Sekolah Kebangsaan Padas pupils, 200 chairs to the school, and excellence awards to 13 pupils.

The chief minister also gave approval for the Kampung Padas community hall to be rehabilitated. -- BERNAMA