KUALA LUMPUR: The coalition of UMNO, Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) and PAS is able to win 149 parliamentary seats in the Malay majority constituencies in the 15th General Election (GE15).

The confidence was expressed Ketereh Member of Parliament Tan Sri Annuar Musa if the three Malay parties remained together to face GE15.

Annuar said if the consensus that was formed when it took over the government from Pakatan Harapan (PH) were to be maintained, the three parties have the potential to win all the Malay majority seats in GE15.

"We have 222 seats, including 31 in Sarawak. BN and friends will potentially contest in 191 seats but there are 149 Malay majority seats.

"In these 149 seats, if there are consensus and no division, we have the potential to win them all.

"So, the winning formula is already in the government today," he said in an interview titled 'UMNO: Perikatan Nasional (PN) or Muafakat Nasional (MN)' in a portal on Monday.

The former Barisan Nasional (BN) secretary-general is confident that the issue of the distribution of seats in the 149 parliamentary constituencies can be resolved with a series of good negotiations.

Annuar stressed that basically all 55 seats won by UMNO in GE14 should be contested again by the party but it was still open for any negotiations.

"There are 11 more seats where UMNO got higher votes than PAS. PAS has six seats that got more votes than UMNO.

"Therefore, PAS can win 25 seats and UMNO can win 66 seats.

“It is not all, there are other seats that can be considered for Bersatu. What is certain is that consensus will bring success, that can still be worked on," he added.

Annuar is also of the view that UMNO should be given the priority to contest in the parliamentary seats which were previously won by the party but its candidate has now joined Bersatu.

"For example, the parliamentary seats of Langkawi, Kubang Pasu, Jerlun, Muar, Seri Gading or Simpang Renggam. These are the seats that Bersatu won but its members (at that time) have now gone to 'other places'.

"Basically, the 55 seats won by UMNO need to be defended by UMNO but it is not rigid. Let the president consult with the president," he said.

Regarding the tussle for the post of prime minister, Annuar is confident that it can also be resolved through negotiations.

"Even quotas (for ministers) can be created, no problem. That is the job of the presidents of all three parties.

“It’s better to contest a few in a coalition and win a lot, than to fight and contest a lot but end up winning only a few,” he added.