"Malaysian politics is that it is still very much race-based."

Those are the words of Gerakan secretary-general Teng Chang Yeow in an interview with New Sunday Times published today.

Back in the pre-independence days, former Gerakan President, the late Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu attempted to introduce multiracial politics in Penang by co-founding the Radical Party in 1949, United Democratic Party in 1962 and Gerakan in 1968.

However, most Gerakan members today are Chinese.

“Let’s not fool ourselves; even DAP leaders, who claim that they want to see equality among races, are only talking about Chinese issues.

“Chinese PKR (Parti Keadilan Rakyat) leaders also keep talking about Chinese issues. I have never seen them highlight the poverty of Malays, for example,” said Teng, who is also the chairman of Penang Barisan Nasional, when asked on why was it that multiracial politics did not succeed in Penang.

According to Teng, DAP leaders in Penang only talks about Chinese issues and are quick to criticise when BN devised policies to benefit the Malays in Penang.

“They know pretty well that their support base lies within the Chinese community. So, despite the call for a multiracial party, DAP is still banking on Chinese issues,” he added.

"On the other hand, Gerakan is changing the way we think. We are taking a Malaysian approach towards issues.

"Has DAP ever done that for the Malays? Have they ever talked about drawing up state policies to benefit the Malays in Penang?

"...Ever since it took control of Penang, i have yet to see DAP come up with policies to help the underpriviledged, regardless of race," he said in the news report.