"It happened in a split second - after a five-minute hail storm, strong winds sifted in and as I turned my face, a flying table hit my head," said Saharuddin Abdullah, 42, one of the victims of the storm-hit village, Kampung Desa Murni Sanggang.

According to Saharuddin, 42, during the incident he was at a food stall in front of his house with his wife Siti Azah Hasim, preparing dishes for breaking fast.

"Then, as I was preparing a drink, a hail storm suddenly occurred, causing a commotion as it was the first time such an incident had occurred at our village.

"Subsequently, strong winds caused the roof of my food stall to be flown away. Then, as I looked around, a wooden table from the stall flew towards me and hit my head. I was in daze for a while," he said.

Meanwhile, his eldest child, Nor Fatihah Saharuddin, 17, said when she and her three siblings witnessed the roof of their house being blown away by strong winds, they panicked and were in fear, and shouted 'Allahuakhbar' several times.

"The situation was quite frantic then, especially during a mixture of hailstorm and strong winds. Our Iftar dishes were blown away by the strong winds with the exception of a ikan patin dish that was cooked in a fermented durian condiment (tempoyak)," she said.

Meanwhile, a senior citizen, Siti Aminah Yunos, 77, who referred to herself as 'Wan' said this incident was the worst faced by her since 41 years living in Kampung Desa Murni Kerdau.

"I was awakened by sounds of strong winds followed by thunder and lightning, and felt as if my house was shaking," she said.

Siti Aminah's daughter, Suhana Sulaiman, 40, said they had to seek shelter between the pathway to the kitchen after the front section roof of the house and kitchen were blown away.

"Then, rain water came gushing in from the roof and flooded the kitchen and living room. My mother who was then in a state of panic, told us to get out of the house to avoid any untoward incident.

"However, when we saw roofs being blown away outside, amid a thunderstorm, we were forced to seek shelter inside the house until the rain subsided. We only had orange juice to break fast," she said.