KUALA LUMPUR: Healthcare workers who were infected with COVID-19 after at least a single dose of vaccination had less severe symptoms, said Health director-general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah.

“It is clear that we still can be infected after completion of the vaccination, but perhaps less in severity,” he said in his Facebook posting today.

He said although the vaccine gives hope of fighting the disease, the people should continue to comply with all the precautionary public health measures even after getting the vaccination.

No one is safe until everyone is safe, he said.

According to Dr Noor Hisham,  40 healthcare workers have been infected with COVID-19 after completing both doses of the vaccination, with nine of them more than two weeks after the second dose and 31 others were infected less than two weeks after getting the inoculation.

Another 142 healthcare workers were infected after the first dose, he said, adding that 244 workers were infected with COVID-19 before they were inoculated.