KUALA LUMPUR: It is hard to believe that people who never missed their prayer and are called 'Haji' are tempted to consume illegal money.

Yet that is the reality of humanity today.

In this materialistic and fast-paced world, where many do not have time to observe and think, it is so easy to hide the evil activities being carried out.

But not in the eyes of a police officer like Datuk Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay.

According to the Johor Police Chief, a lot of people with such characters have been detected.

Extensive and long experience at the Bukit Aman Special Branch taught Ayob to read the average human being and not be easily fooled by their acting.

“Malaysians have a tendency when they see (someone giving) donations, other (evil acts of the donor) are ignored.

"We see that someone has been involved with this and that but has titles, a big house, a lot of money to the extent they are scattered on the floor.

"Wouldn't the question arise that 'where does he get so much money from? What business is he in?' he explained in an interview on Agenda AWANI hosted by Nazri Kahar last night.

He also did not rule out that there are people who look pious and often give alms whereas a donation is just an act.

“If we open our eyes to observe and read every detail exhibited in the gestures and speech (of such a person), we will find out who is actually hiding behind the mask.

“For example, money from bribes to go on pilgrimage. He took a lot of bribes, RM3 to RM4 million a year, and every year he went on a pilgrimage. Then he asked for forgiveness.

"Go back (home), ask for more bribes. Next year go on pilgrimage again. Right? There are characters like that, right?” he asked.