Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) deputy president Datuk Seri Richard Riot Jaem has expressed his readiness to vie for the party presidency in the next triennial delegates conference (TDC) if there is sufficient support from delegates.

Riot, who is also SUPP Serian Branch chairman dan Human Resources Minister said he was willing to shoulder the herculean task in saving the party from being deregistered if Datuk Seri Wong Soon Koh and Tan Sri Peter Chin could not reconcile.

Wong is SUPP Sibu Branch chief while Chin is party president. They have been at loggerheads since the last TDC held in Kuching on December 2011.

“Perhaps the best answer is for me to stand as SUPP president because we are concerned with the members but only as the last resort. That is very important. Please don’t say that I’m interested (in the post). I’m very happy with where I am now,” Riot said.

However Riot added he will respect the party president’s decision in solving the problem.

“As a part man, I respect my party president and will only take action if he gives me his blessing. So far I have not received anything so I will respect my party’s president. That is important and I cannot just talk behind his back,” he said.

SUPP was slapped with a show-cause letter on January 6 by the Registrar of Societies (ROS) and given 30 days to explain why they should not be deregistered.

The party has since replied but have yet to receive word from the ROS.

“With 23 years of experience in politics I am already a veteran politician and I should be given the chance (to helm the part,” Riot said adding that he would become the president for one term and would resign if he failed after that period.

He also believes there is a future for the SUPP, but it depended very much on the party leaders.

“I believe that one day, the Chinese and non-Chinese in the urban areas will realise that SUPP is still relevant and they will come back to the party,” he added.

Riot also said he will carry out as many programmes for the youth as possible if he becomes president as such programmes will indirectly attract them to join the party.