The police detained four men, including a People's Volunteer Corps (Rela) member, and seized an imitation pistol in a raid at a drug den in Kampung Darat Kijal here Tuesday.

Kemaman police chief Superintendent Mohd Said Ibrahim said in the 4.15pm raid, the raiding team also found 28 tubes of whitish powder believed to be heroin.

He said the imitation pistol, complete with a holster, was discovered in a sling bag belonging to the 27-year-old Rela member whose authority card was also seized.

The Rela member was distributing the drug, along with his three labourer accomplices, when they were picked up. The suspects are aged between 37 and 42.

"We do not rule out the possibility that the Rela member used the imitation pistol to frighten his addict friends," Mohd Said told a press conference at the Kemaman police district headquarters here today.

The suspects have been remanded to facilitate investigations, he said.