Seri Delima assemblyman R.S.N Rayer today pleaded not guilty in the Sessions Court to two charges of making seditious statements at the Penang state assembly sitting and ceramah (public talk) in Jalan Delima, Island Glades, Jelutong, here, in May this year.

In Sessions Court 2, Rayer, 43, a lawyer, also pleaded not guilty to an alternative charge of humiliating and arousing anger among Umno members by uttering seditious words at the ceramah.

On the first count, he is alleged to have uttered seditious words, 'Celaka celaka ini, celaka celaka Umno ini kurang ajar, biadap', in damning the party, during a debate session at the state assembly sitting at 9.30am on May 20, this year.

The assemblyman faces the charge under Section 4(1)(b) of the Sedition Act 1948 (Act 15) and which is punishable with a fine of up to RM5,000 or a jail term not exceeding three years, or both, under Section 4(1) of the same Act.

Earlier, DPP Datuk Razali Che Ani applied for a bail of RM20,000, saying it was a high-profile case and the incident happened at the state assembly.

Rayer who was represented by three lawyers led by Gobind Singh Deo, asked the court to reduce the bail to RM2,000, as he had given his full cooperation in the police investigation.

"He is a lawyer, married with a house in Penang and is an elected representative for the Seri Delima constituency. It's impossible for him to run away," said Gobind.

Judge Zulhazmi Abdullah then allowed Rayer bail of RM3,000 in one surety.

In Sessions Court 1, Rayer was charged with uttering the seditious words, "...tapi Umno ini celaka...," at a ceramah held at the children's playground in Jalan Delima, Island Glades, Jelutong at 10pm on May 22.

The charge is under Section 4(1)(b) of the Sedition Act 1948 and punishable under Section 4(1) of the same Act.

Rayer also faces an alternative charge of humiliating and arousing anger among Umno members by uttering seditious words which could disrupt public peace.

The offence was committed at the same place, time and on the same date.

The charge is under Section 504 of the Penal Code and the offence carries a fine or a jail sentence of up to two years, or both.

Judge Zaharah Hussain allowed Rayer bail of RM3,000 in one surety. Razali also appeared for the prosecution.

Both courts fixed October 17 for re-mention of the cases.

Rayer, from DAP, had angered Umno members and several Malay non-governmental organisations after damning Umno with offensive words at the state assembly sitting on May 20.

Rayer not only refused to apologise and withdraw the alleged seditious words but also repeated those words at an open DAP ceramah during the Bukit Gelugor parliamentary seat by-election campaign.