Work to replace the existing pump in Kampung Baru, here, will be carried out to resolve the problem of flash floods in the area.

Deputy Natural Resource and Environment Minister Datuk Dr James Dawos Mamit said the measure to be taken by the Department of Irrigation and Drainage is seen as the only solution as Kampung Baru is situated lower than the Sungai Klang river bank.

"The 15-year-old pump is worn out and can no longer cater to the overflow of water each time it rains for between one to two hours," he said in reply to a question from Datuk Johari Abdul Ghani (BN-Titiwangsa) regarding the frequent flash floods in Kampung Baru and Datuk Keramat during question time at the Dewan Rakyat, here today.

"From the studies conducted, the main problem causing the flood is the limited capacity of the pump at the Kampung Baru pump house and garbage stuck in the main channels," he said.

Commenting further, Dawos said the flooding in Datuk Keramat was caused by local drainage under the supervision of the Kuala Lumpur City Hall.

Meanwhile, he said the SMART tunnel did not cause the flooding in Kampung Baru and Datuk Keramat, rather it helped to reduce flooding in the city.