KUALA LUMPUR:The Government will take over the camps of the National Service Training Centre (PLKN) and the Wawasan camps to be used as detention and temporary quarantine centres for Illegal Immigrants (PATI) and temporary prisons.

Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said it is part of the government's immediate action to reduce congestion and the spread of COVID-19 in detention depots.

"The government has also exercised its powers under the Emergency (Essential Powers) Ordinance 2021 to make temporary acquisitions of PLKN Camps and Wawasan Camps to be used as detention centres and temporary quarantines for illegal immigrants (PATI) and temporary prisons.

"This is part of the government's immediate action to reduce congestion in the Malaysian Immigration Department detention depots and prisons which can directly prevent the spread of COVID-19 among detainees.

"A total of 16 PLKN camps and Wawasan Camps have been temporarily taken over for this purpose," he said in a Special Message explaining the latest Proclamation of Emergency and Emergency Ordinance in managing the COVID-19 pandemic on Thursday.

Muhyiddin added that the action is also able to increase government enforcement in preventing the entry of illegal immigrants into the country which is one of the causes of the spread of COVID-19.

He explained that at the same time, the government also delegated police power to the Malaysian Armed Forces (ATM) to increase the capacity of enforcement action in the fight against COVID-19 involving illegal immigrants.

"To further enhance the capacity of government enforcement action in the fight against COVID-19, I have issued a directive under the Emergency (Essential Powers) Ordinance 2021 to delegate police powers to the Malaysian Armed Forces to make arrests, inspections and seizures while assisting other agencies perform PATI prevention duties and COVID-19 prevention operations.

"I have also instructed RELA members numbering more than 3 million people nationwide to assist in SOP enforcement tasks at business premises and public places," he added.

Muhyiddin added that the government will also implement a Community Empowerment Program that involves local community leaders in the COVID-19 prevention campaign at the community level.