Three Orang Asli who scored a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 4.0 in the Malaysian Higher School Certificate 2020 (STPM 2020) exam received a mention from Rural Development deputy minister (I), Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Mohamad, today.

According to his statement they are Nur Maisarah Abdul Malik from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Dong in Raub, Pahang; Diana Bah Said from SMK Sultan Ahmad Shah, Cameron Highlands, Pahang; and Intan Nurhidayah Lim from SMK Dato' Sulaiman, Parit Sulong, Johor.

He said that 30 other Orang Asli examinees received a CGPA of more than 2.8, 11 scored a CGPA of more than 3.5, 15 scored a CGPA of 3.0 - 3.49 and 4 scored a CGPA of 2.8 - 2.99.

He said that it was a proud accomplishment under difficult circumstances and the new normal.

"The COVID-19 pandemic had affected exam preparations. But we're (the ministry) proud of their achievement," he said.