KOTA KINABALU: A recent paper titled “Recent Estimate of Asian Elephants in Borneo Reveals a Smaller Population” published in a peer-reviewed journal by WWF estimates the Bornean elephant population in Central Sabah to be 387 elephants with a density of 0.07 individuals per km2. The area surveyed lies within the Central Sabah elephant range, and therefore the estimate only includes elephants occurring in Ulu Segama, Malua, Kuamut, Gunung Rara, Kalabakan, and Sungai Pinangah Forest Reserves.

If other areas of the Central Sabah elephant range such as parts of the Sapulut Forest Reserve, Ulu Kalumpang Forest Reserve, and Kalabakan Forest Reserve are included, the total estimated elephant population in Central Sabah is approximately 451 individuals. These estimates are substantially smaller than what was previously estimated in another published study conducted in 2008 by Alfred et al. (2010).

“The smaller estimated population as a result of this study is not an indication of population decline in the Central Sabah elephant range. On the contrary, our study found that the elephant habitat in Central Sabah remains stable with a substantial increase in the proportion of area allocated for total protection. Rather, the differences in estimates is due to methodological limitations in the previous estimations,” stressed Dr. Cheryl Cheah, Elephant Conservation Manager at WWF-Malaysia and co-author of the study.

According to the Bornean Elephant Action Plan for Sabah 2020-2029 by the Sabah Wildlife Department, experts estimate that there are no more than 1,000-1,500 individuals for the whole of Sabah including the Central Sabah elephant range. Therefore, this estimate does not drastically change the overall Bornean elephant population in the state.

The new estimate strengthens the case to continue to keep the Bornean elephant as a totally protected species and any future decisions on population management should now carefully consider how it may impact the long-term viability of elephant populations.

It also signals the need for more data to be collected on Bornean elephants in Central Sabah.

“Information on other population parameters necessary for monitoring population trends and population management – birth rate, natural death rate, sex ratio, and age structure is unavailable for elephants in that range. As population size alone is inadequate to assess the population’s long-term viability, it is essential to estimate other key characteristics for inferring population status and developing robust policies and actions for elephant population management,” said Dr. Cheryl.

To help safeguard the elephant subpopulation in Central Sabah, the study recommends that there should be no further habitat loss. Forestry and agriculture plantations should not expand into the most suitable lowland habitats, and the current protected area coverage should not be reduced.

Additionally, concerted measures are needed to address the deaths of elephants related to suspected poisoning and retaliatory killings of elephants for crop and property damage.

“The construction of new roads and expansion of existing ones like the planned Pan Borneo highway in the Central Sabah elephant range should ensure that the whole range continues to be available for elephants, the road alignment avoids natural forest habitats, and the construction designs allow for easy elephant movements,” said Dr. Cheryl.

WWF also notes the urgent need for updated population estimates for the other elephant subpopulations in Sabah, namely Lower Kinabatangan, Tabin, and North Kinabatangan ranges as it is likely that these populations have also been overestimated in the previous study.

To this end, WWF will be working closely with the Sabah Wildlife Department and Sabah Forestry Department to provide technical assistance and support for conducting population surveys in some of these ranges.