Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi urged Muslims in the country to celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri on a moderate scale and in the true spirit of Islam.

In his Aidilfitri message Tuesday, the Deputy Prime Minister called on Muslims in the country to be attentive to the people of Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Somalia and Muslims throughout the world, including refugees and the homeless, who celebrate Aidilfitri in uncertainty, poverty and misery.

"Since Malaysia is a gift to us Malaysians, no matter what race or religion, culture or tradition, we must be grateful of what we have achieved without having to go through such hardship.

"We live in peace, there is harmony without conflict or war. We will continue to progress towards a developed nation together," he said.

Ahmad Zahid, who is also Home Minister, said Malaysia is not like other countries where brutal conflicts and war has claimed the lives of innocent people.

"In the latest incident at the Nabawi Mosque in Madinah, Saudi Arabia for example, the Muslim world was shocked by a suicide bomb attack which killed a number of people.

"We are sad that such an incident had happened in the holy month of Ramadan and at a place regarded as one of the most sacred places," he said.

Ahmad Zahid also condemned terrorist attacks in Turkey on June 28 which claimed the lives of 44 innocent people and Bangladesh on Friday that claimed the lives of 20 people.

"We will not compromise activities related to terrorism," he said.

Ahmad Zahid said the people in the country are also concerned with a bomb explosion at an entertainment outlet in Puchong on June 28, the first in the country, linked to Daish.

The people must have faith in the security forces to handle the situation in a professional manner.

"At a time when we are welcoming the festive season - Hari Raya Aidilfitri - do not allow such incidents to disrupt the joyous occasion. Malaysians must celebrate Aidilfitri in the spirit of brotherhood and the 1Malaysia concept.

"Let’s allow the security issue to be handled by the respective authorities although we have to keep track of the latest development and at the same time keep track of what is happening around us," he said.

He also urged motorists to be careful when driving home to celebrate Aidilfitri with their loved ones.