The public have been urged to change the perception that fatal motorcycle accidents are caused by reckless motorcyclists, said freelance writers who is also an experienced motorcyclist, Ibni Khalid Jurait.

He said, 80 percent of the 44 causes of fatal motorcycle accidents are not caused by motorcyclists but other motorists.

From his 30-year experience of riding various motorcycles, he said, the majority of road users have no regard for the safety of motorcyclists on the road.

However he admitted that young motorcyclists need more experience to avoid from getting involved in an accident.

“School children usually do not have a license, but even if they do they are inexperienced and reckless and cannot anticipate what will happen as a result of their actions,” he said at the launch of his book entitled ’44 factors that cause fatal accidents among motorcyclists’.

Ibni Khalid hopes that book will provide a guide for government agencies in its bid to reduce road accidents.

Among the main factors outlined in the book are blindspots, motorists who ignore road signs, speeding and overtaking on the left lane.

3,000 of the books have been distributed to major bookstores nationwide targeted especially to school children.