Bukit Aman Director of Management Datuk Zulkifli Abdullah said 11,274 out of 109,304 police personnel and officers in the country were found obese.

"Of the total, 1,401 of them are officers while the rest are police personnel," he told a press conference after the launching of the Trim and Fit 2016 Camp at Police Training Centre in Jalan Semarak, here, Wednesday.

He said the camp would be implemented in stages to ensure that the policemen would be more skilled, spruce and confident just like any other uniformed personnel.

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"So to solve the problem, we are taking proactive measures by introducing the camp to overcome obesity among the policemen," he said.

He said the pilot project, which started today, would run for six months until June involving 35 policemen of various ranks.

"I myself is among the 35 participants and we will be monitored daily and monthly. The camp daily activities include exercise in the gym for an hour, five times a week," he said.