The police has nabbed a man who had posted seditious remarks about Thaipusam on his Facebook page.

This was confirmed by the Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar on his Twitter page.

The man, whose profile name is Man Namblast, wrote 'Berpuluh ribu syaitan sedang berarak menaiki tangga Batu Cave' (Tens of thousands of devils are marching up the stairs of Batu Caves), on his Facebook during Thaipusam day on Jan 17.

The remark aimed at Hindu devotees, who were celebrating the Thaipusam festival at Batu Caves, has offended them and provoked the public’s outrage.

Eventhough the Facebook page has been removed, a screenshot of the post is still being circulated in the social media.

Close to 200 police reports were lodged regarding the post.

Earlier, MIC youth chief C. Sivarraajh said that the wing will take the matter to the court if no action are taken regarding the post by Man Namblast.