KOTA KINABALU:The Sabah Public Works Department (JKR) will take immediate action to repair roads and bridges damaged by floods in the state, Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Seri Bung Moktar Radin said.

The State Works Minister said unpredictable weather conditions over the past few days with continuous heavy rain that caused floods were the cause of many damaged roads and bridges, especially in Pitas district apart from Kota Marudu and Beluran.

“I have received a report and JKR engineers are monitoring the situation and will provide a more detailed report on the damage.

“As for landslides that are not too serious, cleaning work has already been carried out by JKR, including roads under the care of contractors or road maintenance companies,” he said in a statement here tonight.

He said for severe cases of road damage, including bridges, that require high repair costs, an assessment would be made to determine the estimated cost of repairs before works are carried out to ensure that residents are not cut off for too long.