The Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) supports the Kelantan government's move to table amendments to Act 355 through a private member's bill to expand the jurisdiction of Syariah courts to pass sentences.

Its director-general, Datuk Othman Mustapha, said the move had been the cause fought by Jakim and the government for all this years in a bid to ensure Syariah laws were being implemented in the country.

"About hudud, we just don't want the people to be confused. The private member's bill brought to Parliament by PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang is Act 355 and not the Kelantan Syariah Criminal Code Enactment passed by the State Legislative Assembly.

"It is to give Muslim criminals the heavier or maximum penalty possible as allowed in Islam.

"If we disagree, what has been our cause all this years will become futile," he said when officiating the adjournment of the National Religious District Administration Officers Conference 2015 here Friday.

However, Othman said it was up to the Parliament to pass or reject the private member's bill.