The peace and prosperity enjoyed by the country today would not have been possible if not for the sacrifices of fighters who risked their lives in defending the sovereignty of the nation, said Defence Force Chief Gen Tan Sri Affendi Buang.

He said the indomitable fighting spirit of former Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) personnel who had fought hard and spilled their blood and sweat, has ensured the peace and harmony in the country until now.

"As soldiers, we have to be committed in performing our duty in defending the country's sovereignty.

"To all Malaysians, it is also important to strengthen the spirit of patriotism and nationalism, by instilling a culture of 'sense of belonging' and 'sense of ownership' in our hearts.

"In strengthening this spirit and culture, a union between the people and the MAF will be formed, thus making Malaysia a safe, sovereign and prosperous country," he said in a special message in conjunction with the 87th MAF Day and Malaysia Day celebrated today.

Meanwhile, Affendi also clarified that the MAF did not intend to attack or go to war with other countries, instead it was a force responsible for maintaining the peace and sovereignty of the country from enemies.

"This development is important, especially in the face of uncertain security environments. There is also the need to upgrade MAF's defence capabilities to be a credible future force, as stated in the Defence White Paper," he said.

He also called on MAF personnel to recall the four main thrusts as a guide to enhance MAF's image, namely empowering asset readiness; empowering MAF excellent staff; strengthening MAF capabilities in the cyber domain; and translating the Defence White Paper.

In conjunction with the 87th MAF Day, Affendi, representing all MAF personnel, also pledged unwavering allegiance to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ria'yatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah as the supreme commander of the MAF.

He also expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the government especially Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and Senior Minister-Defence Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob; the Royal Malaysia Police; other enforcement agencies; government departments, the mass media and all parties who have given the MAF their strong support and cooperation.