The government will review the proposal of holding a special day on a weekly basis for the public to enjoy special prices at wholesale markets.

Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said, this could help customers and retailers in enjoying the wholesale profit.

“We will have one day in a week where customers can purchase fish and other necessities at wholesale price.

“We will also the review the type of purchase, should it be purchased in bulk or .... we will take a detailed look on how this could be executed,” he told a media conference after a meeting with representatives of wholesalers, retailers and suppliers associations and farmers, and fishermen's organisation, here, Friday.

Around 40 representatives attended the meeting which was also attended by Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Minister, Datuk Seri Hasan Malek.

Muhyiddin also encouraged the public to purchase imported frozen fish as it is cheaper compared to the local fresh fishes.

“Although the price of these imported frozen fish are cheaper, its quality is the same and guaranteed,” said Muhyiddin.

Muhyiddin had also expressed satisfaction at the cooperation from most wholesalers, suppliers and importers of goods in the effort to reduce the cost of living.

He said that the commitment provided in helping the government control and reduce the prices of goods such as fish, vegetables and chicken is commendable.