When gold dealer Tuan Faridah Tuan Losen bid her family goodbye and left her house to work on Sunday morning, little did they know that it would be the last time they saw her alive.

The body of Tuan Faridah, 60, was found by a couple gathering grass for their sheep in a bush near Kampung Chekok Budu, Paloh Rawa, here, Wednesday.

Her son, Nik Mohd Zumairi Hanapi, 32, said earlier that Sunday morning, her mother received a phone call from an unknown individual and had informed her friend that she would be meeting with the individual later.

"We waited until 4 pm, but she did not return. This prompted us to lodge a missing person report," he told reporters when met at his house in Kampung Raja Panyit, here Thursday.

Meanwhile, her son-in-law Syeikh Ibnu Hajar Jusoh, 36, said his mother-in-law was a nice and friendly person.

"We never thought she would leave us like this...I really hope those responsible for her untimely death will be brought to justice," he said.

In KOTA BAHARU, Kelantan Police chief Datuk Jalaluddin Abdul Rahman was reported as saying that police had detained a worker of a tyre shop suspected to have been involved in the gold dealer's death.

He said the suspect would be brought to the Magistrate's Court for a remand order, and that the police had launched a search for two other suspects in the case.