A Form Five student was charged in the Ampang Magistrate's Court here today with four counts of sex crimes on a female schoolmate.

The 17-year-old student, however, pleaded not guilty to all the charges before Magistrate Haslinda A.Raof.

On the first count, he was charged with committing sexual connection by using an object against the victim, aged 13 years and six months, without her consent on the staircase of a shophouse in Taman Kosas here at 11.50 am last Feb 14.

The charge, under Section 377CA of the Penal Code, carries an imprisonment for up to 30 years, and shall be liable to whipping, if found guilty.

The second charge was for committing carnal intercourse against the order of nature on the victim at the same place, time and date.

The offence, under Section 377B of the Penal Code, provides an imprisonment for up to 20 years and shall also be liable to whipping, if found guilty.

He was also charged under Section 376 (1) of the Penal Code with raping the girl at the same place at 12.30 pm last Feb 15 and faced an imprisonment for up to 20 years and shall also be liable to whipping, upon conviction.

On the last count, he was charged with using criminal force on the girl with intent to outrage her modesty at the same place at 11.20 am last Feb 13.

The charge, under Section 354 of the Penal Code, provides an imprisonment for up to 10 years, or with fine, or with whipping, or any two of the punishments, if found guilty.

Deputy public prosecutor Raihanah Abdul Razak, who prosecuted, did not offer bail.

However, lawyer Akmal Jusoh, representing the accused, said his client had to continue his schooling and would be sitting for the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia examination.

Haslinda then set bail at RM5,000 in one surety for all charges and also ordered the accused to not intimidate the witnesses.

The court set April 17 for mention.