SUNGAI SIPUT: Healthcare personnel at COVID-19 vaccination centres who suffer from physical and mental exhaustion have been urged to inform their superiors about their condition and request a temporary rest from any work, said Deputy Health Minister Datuk Dr Noor Azmi Ghazali.

He said they needed to take a rest so as not to disrupt the vaccination process.

"The Ministry of Health (MOH) is always thinking of mobilising front line healthcare workforce so that the COVID-19 vaccination programme runs smoothly and can increase the number of daily doses administered to recipients from time to time," he said after visiting the vaccination centre at Kuala Kangsar Municipal Council Hall here today.

He said the ministry was aware of the mental and physical fatigue experienced by some of the healthcare workers in their fight against the COVID-19 pandemic over the past year that required them to work beyond their normal schedule or tasks.

Meanwhile, Dr Noor Azmi said the ministry took note of the alleged sexual harassment incident at a vaccination centre in Johor Bahru that occurred on Sunday, adding that action would be taken against errant parties.

"Action must be taken because things like this can scare people from coming to vaccination centres to get their jabs," he said.