The Health Ministry has never issued any dress code for public hospitals and its facilities, said Deputy Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Hilmi Yahaya.

He said there were no orders from the government or the Health Ministry on the issue and the public can wear anything as long as it is decent.

"The matter should not have arose, we have never issued any orders on how people should dress when going to government health facilities.

"We know sometimes during emergencies, people just come as they are, there is no time to find something that is decent, it is very understandable," he said when asked about an incident where a two-year old boy was denied entry to three government health facilities because the pants his mother was wearing was deemed too short.

They were denied entry at the Klinik 1Malaysia in Saleng and Johor Bahru and the Kulai Hospital.

Dr Hilmi said the problem would be investigated and public servants working at public hospitals should not take action without referring to the standard of conduct from the Health Ministry.

"They went to hospital to get treatment, that is the main purpose of going there, what they wear that time is secondary.

"We can't say no to patient in need of treatment and turn them away, to me this is wrong," he said.