KUCHING: Sarawakians have been advised not to be complacent and continue to comply with the standard operating procedures (SOP) to curb the COVID-19 outbreak throughout Ramadan.

Sarawak Premier Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg said adherence to the SOP was crucial especially as the country has transitioned to endemic phase.

"We have entered the transition to endemic phase which sees some SOP is being eased such as at Ramadan bazaars where we see many people going.

"Due to this SOP relaxation I advise everyone to continue to observe the SOP and take care of our health," he said in a speech delivered at the Sumbangsih Raya 2022 handing over ceremony at Wisma Bapa Malaysia here today.

Sarawak logged a total of 413 new COVID-19 cases and five new deaths yesterday.

Sumbangsih Raya is a programme that provides food boxes to security personnel who will be on duty during Hari Raya Aidilfitri. This year, a total of 11,500 boxes will be provided to 10 agencies.