Malaysia strongly believes that the issue of child protection in armed conflict should not be politicised.

Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman said Malaysia aims to strengthen its engagement with all stakeholders on this issue, including Member States, United Nations (UN) bodies and the media to view the issue.

"Malaysia is of the view that in order to have any meaningful discussion on this subject, the issue of the plight of Palestinian children must also not be forgotten.

"It is a pathetic state of affairs, when the international community ignores the suffering of these children merely because it cannot find a political solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict," he said in his speech at the International Forum 'Malaysian Programme at the UN Security Council - Plight of Children In War-Torn Territories' at the Putra World Trade Centre here, Sunday.

As the current Chair of the Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict, he said Malaysia believes it is important to build trust and engage in constructive dialogue with Member States whose situation was being considered.

"Accordingly, Malaysia will seek to facilitate new efforts or approaches in order to achieve timely, relevant and balanced conclusions for all situations in countries.

"In seeking to enhance the Working's Group's effectiveness in dealing with child protection issues, Malaysia would endeavour to ensure that conclusions reached by the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict are translated into action and that they enjoy the support of the Member States.

"We intend to further strengthen the transparency and visibility of the Working Group to the wider UN membership and the public," he said.

Anifah also reiterated Malaysia's unwavering commitment towards relentless efforts to address the plight of children in armed conflict.

"While the promotion of peace and the prevention of armed conflict should remain our priorities in ensuring the safety and well-being of children, it is the protection of children in existing situations of armed conflict or in situations of impending armed conflict, which demands our urgent and undivided attention," he said.