The Borneo Hornbill Festival 2015 which began today, saw a total of 60 participants from various ethnic groups of Sabah and Sarawak participating in a beauty contest.

Sarawak Heritage Society Kuala Lumpur chairman Dr Laurence John said there were seven categories including Miss Sabah Ethnic, Miss Kadazan Dusun, Miss Bidayuh, Miss Sabah Open and Miss Orang Ulu.

He said the festival not only comprised beautiful women but also 20 men who competed for the 'Mr Sabah' and 'Mr Sarawak' title.

"Every year, we get good support from Sabahans and Sarawakians for the festival which helps to promote Sabah and Sarawak cultures," he told reporters after attending the event at the Malaysia Tourist Centre (MaTic) here today.

He said participants would be judged on appearance, traditional clothes and understanding of the cultures they represented.

The grand final will be held tomorrow, which will see the closing ceremony.

The Hornbill Festival is aimed at promoting traditional Borneo arts, food, values and cultures of Sabah and Sarawak.